May 06 2012 Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum Excerpted from The Dieline: Brand Launch Kit for Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum dramatizing the “darker side of Captain Morgan”. “We designed the kit to feel like a contemporary version of a Captain’s chest. With a modern take on black woodgrain and old world type, it also extends the graphic language developed for the label. We created the brand book to evoke the Henry Morgan legend and share tasting notes and recipes through black and white photography, woodcut illustrations and vintage type – all with an authoritative, confident persona and smart language. To educate and empower people to experience everything that Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum had to offer and drive home the point that this rum can replace other brown spirits, we included a flask, whiskey stones and bottle of bitters. Coordinating our in-house work along with our strategic partners was a huge part of this project. Our industry-expert copywriter used our concept as a guide while writing the brand book content. We worked with an amazing prop stylist and art directed a shoot with one of the best photographers in the spirits genre. We designed and sourced the brand book, box and promotional items from Vermont, Minnesota and China. Managing our printing and fulfillment partner was crucial in the final steps toward bringing the Captain Morgan Black Spiced Rum launch kit to life.” Brand Launch Kit designed by The O Group Bottle Designed by Landor Lettering Designer, Ian Brignell