It’s always great to receive a note like this one. Ian had given a talk at OCAD University in Toronto. It was a great few hours including a lively question-and-answer session after his presentation.
Hi Ian,
My name is L. B. and I am in Errol Saldanha’s Graphic Design 2 course (where you gave a talk today).
I just wanted to send a quick thank you for coming in to talk to our class. I found what you said to be not only inspiring, but also relatable.
Hearing you talk about how your fascination with lettering began in elementary school made me remember that, in grade six, I would try to copy my teacher’s unique style of hand lettering in all of my notes. I guess I found it more interesting than actually paying attention in class.
Anyways, thanks again. I really do hope that a lettering design class comes to OCAD U.